September 21, 2019 was an historic day at Ephesus SDA in Wilmington, North Carolina. We had two God fearing young women to be ordained as Elders, Sister Tracey Denise Ray and Sister Xylia Sparks-Davis both natives of Wilmington, N.C. and church members from youth.
Pastor Derrin Davis spoke on the topic of “Bragging Rights” using 1 Corinthians 1:31…He that glorieth let him glory in the Lord (KJV). These young ladies are faithful stewards of God; both are community activist in their respective right. Elder Ray, a former AYS leader and current Executive Director of Safe Haven, serves the undeserved. She is passionate about empowering individuals through the love of Jesus to get from where they are to where they desire to be. Elder Sparks-Davis, at the age of 17 served as President of the Eastern NC District Youth Federation and is our current Sabbath School Superintendent. She has a love for the women of the Bible. She is the author and publisher of three books (To Be Known by My Name, Steeped: a Tea-votional and The Waiting Room). Her website, Fê [/fāt/-faith] is devoted to ministering and encouraging women.
Our congregation has observed Elder Ray and Elder Sparks-Davis develop their spiritual skills through the years. They have used their skills to glorify God and His purpose for their lives in the community. Family members, friends, and community guest were in attendance to recognize their spiritual gifts. Ephesus is proud to call each of them Elder.
By Sandra Oglesby, Church Clerk