Leon J. Bryant Sr. has served in the Lake Region Conference for over 23 years and the Southwest Region Conference for more than 15 years. He graduated from Andrews University (1991) with a Master of Divinity and Oakwood College, now University, (1982) with a B,A, in Psychology and a B.A. in Theology. He is a product of Christian education that his parents, the late Luther and Georgianna Bryant, invested heavily in.
Pastor Bryant is married to the former Barbara Ann Escoe, from Pasadena California. They have two adult children, Leon Jr. and Lindsey, along with a grandson Leon J, Bryant Ill, (LJ3). This couple has been shown Christian service and hospitality by brothers, sisters, aunts, uncles, and those they have come to minister to and with during their more than 3 decades of formal pastoral ministry,
This family began ministry as a Bi-Vocational Pastoral team in the Dallas Texas area, Garland, and Waxahachie SDA churches. After a short year of pastoring in Albuquerque and Roswell, New Mexico, and upon completion of the SDA Seminary the Bryant's actively engaged in church planting and Kingdom building while pastoring the Southwest corner of Arkansas. This territory stretched from Pine Bluff, AK to West Memphis, AK. By the time they left this area, the Bryant's had been involved in re-opening a 1 - 8 church school, supported and engaged in opening 3 new churches, provided coordination of Ebony Evangelism for the area, and supported 2 stipend bivocational pastors. This was done while serving as the district pastor and working as a counselor for the Arkansas Department of Correction.
Upon moving to the Lake Region Conference, Pastor, and Mrs. Bryant havehad the privilege of pastoring two historic churches, Capitol City in Indianapolis and City Temple in Detroit. In both of these posts, they have counted it a joy to invest in and support Christian Education at Capitol City SDA School and Peterson-Warren Academy. Pastor Bryant led the LRC Adult Ministry Department from 2015 until 2022. During this time, they also had the privilege of pastoring the New Life Church on the south side of Chicago. The most recent pastoral post was in the Capitol of Michigan District at Lansing Bethel and Jackson Summit Churches.
Pastor Bryant counts it an honor to engage in pastoral ministry. He encourages everyone to "Be Blessed and Be A Blessing